Des Moines Area Community College – West Campus
8:15-8:45 Registration and Continental Breakfast RM 118/119E
8:45-9:00 Introduction and Welcome RM 118/119E
9:00-10:00 Hot Topics Discussion RM 118/119E
• Update from Regents about ALEKS
• Progress with a statewide initiative for ALEKS
• Other
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:30 Panel Discussion – Online Courses RM 118/119E
Dan Petrak – DMACC
Brent Hamilton – NIACC
Lori Robeson – Iowa Western
• What is the state of online classes in your college?
• What do we see as the future role of online classes?
• What are your policies on proctoring?
• Best Practices.
• Challenges to overcome.
11:30-12:45 Lunch and Business Meeting RM 118/119E
12:45-2:00 Break-Out Sessions
- McGraw-Hill Education
- Choosing the Right Ingredients for a Successful Interdisciplinary Research Project
- Iowa Central Developmental Math Analytics
- Innovations in Higher Ed Math
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-3:00 Group Discussion – Alternative Assessment RM 118/119E
Each participant is asked to bring materials relevant to alternative
assessment. We will break into small groups and share the different things
we are doing. We will close the discussion with each group sharing their
thoughts about what they learned.